Sunday, December 23, 2018

"Dog skinned alive and running from butcher." Nopes. It's a farm animal that was killed and skinned while dead.

dog skinned alive running from butcher, snopes, lamb, sheep being sold at market, fake news
"Dog skinned alive and running from butcher." Come on! There is a bag over the head. You can clearly see it's a cloven animal. It's not a dog. It's just a garish display at a Chinese outdoor market. It's a younger sheep or lamb that has had it's fur removed. It was not skinned alive. It's almost impossible to skin an animal alive. It's much easier to skin them when they're dead. It would make no sense to skin them alive.

People make up these fake stories so they can make petitions to snag the email address of animal lovers. Sometimes they even ask for donations. It's fake news.

That said we're against eating any animals for food.

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